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There are some configurations that have nothing to do with checkers. To define these properties, you have to create a file and put it in your classpath e.g. at src/test/resources. The properties file could look like this:


Table of contents

  1. Html output
  2. Language
  3. Location of BPMN models
  4. Parent rule set
  5. Rule set
  6. Scan path
  7. User variables path
  8. Validation folder path
  9. Multi project report

Html output

If the vPAV finds inconsistencies in the model, a report is generated. This report can be visualized as HTML page. By default, the HTML output is enabled. If you want to disable the output, add outputhtml=false to the properties.


As of version 2.5.0, we added localization for english and german users. By specifying either en_US or de_DE as language property, you can choose to use either German or English as language for your visual output report. By leaving it blank, the validator grabs your systems locale and provides either German or English as default. Due to some refactoring, more languages can be added in the future by providing language files with the corresponding translations.

Location of BPMN models

By default, the BPMN models have to be stored in the folder src/main/resources of your Camunda project. However, you can also load models from other locations of your local filesystem. In the properties file, use the property basepath to define the path. You can use relative paths (e.g. basepath=src/test/resources) or absolute paths using the file:/// scheme.

Parent rule set

If you defined a parent rule set, you can customize the relative path and file name with parentRuleSet=ruleSets/parentRuleSet.xml.

Rule set

You might want to change the name of the rule set if you have multiple sets. The property ruleSet=myRuleSet.xml allows you to set a relative path to the defined base path.

Scan path

vPAV scans the target folder to find compiled Java classes which are referenced in the BPMN model like Camunda delegates. By default, target/classes/ is used. But if you customized the location, you can use it with the property scanpath=target/test-classes/.

User variables path

If you created a custom variables.xml file (see Defining variables), you can modify the name and the relative path. To do so, add the property userVariablesFilePath=subfolder/myVariables.xml.

Validation folder path

You can specify the validation folder where the vPAV generated output will be stored. By default target/vPAV/ is set. target/vPAV/ ist not persistent and will be deleted when Maven executes the clean goal.

Multi project report

Projects_Summary vPAV is capable of creating a summary overview using a wrapper project from other pregenerated vPAV reports. Therefore, it is required to create a new project with vPAV as dependency and enable the multiProjectReport property and defining at least two sources directories for vPAV reports in generatedReports. It is advisable to have specified a persistent validation folder path in the source projects outside of the project buid directory.


You can specify generatedReports either by relative or absolute paths like in the example, but please note that for absolute Windows paths it is required to escape the backslash with a double backslash.

public class ModelConsistencyTest {
    public void createSummary() {

To create a project summary you need to call the createMultiProjectReport() method.

The project names displayed in the summary are derived from the folder names containing the original report. Please make sure to use the same version of vPAV for the source reports and the summary.