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Timer Expression Checker

The Timer Expression Checker processes BPMN models and checks if time events follow the ISO 8601 scheme.

  • No TimerDefinitionType
  • No TimeDefinition
  • Wrong TimeDefinition (against ISO8601 or CRON)


  • The BPMN-models have to be in the classpath at build time


The rule should be configured as follows:


Error messages:

time event ‘%timeEvent%’ does not follow the ISO 8601 scheme for timeDates.

Due to the camunda engine using the ISO 8601 scheme, it is required for users to follow this scheme.

time event ‘%timeEvent%’ does not follow the scheme for CRON jobs.

Expressions following the QUARTZ Cron definition are also allowed, if implemented correctly.


Correct use of a ISO 8601 expression for a duration
Correct use of expression
Correct use of a CRON expression
Correct use of CRON expression