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Task Naming Convention Checker

The Task Naming Convention Checker verifies if tasks match a predefined naming convention.


  • The BPMN-models have to be in the classpath at build time


The rule should be configured as follows:

            <description>taskname has to start with a capital letter followed by letters,hyphens or spaces</description>

An element convention consists of:

  • a name
  • a regular expression for the naming convention (pattern)
  • a description to describe the convention (optional)

Error messages

task name must be specified

The task name is missing and has to be specified in the model.

task name ‘%taskName%’ is against the naming convention

The task name is invalid and has to be changed according to the naming convention.


task name ‘Rechnung 1’ is against the naming convention
name convention: [A-ZÄÖÜ][a-zäöü\\-\\s]+ (All words starting with a capital letter and containing no number)

Task name against naming convention