No Expression Checker
The No Expression Checker processes BPMN models and checks whether there are expressions used against common best-practices in the model.
- Expression in TaskListener
- Expression in ExecutionListener
- Expression in Implementation
- Expression in MessageEndEvent
- The BPMN-models have to be in the classpath at build time
The rule should be configured as follows:
You can add settings to disable the NoExpressionChecker in specific places. name
contains the element type, in which the checker is deactivated.
<setting name="ScriptTask"></setting>
<setting name="SequenceFlow"></setting>
can be:
- BusinessRuleTask
- ServiceTask
- SendTask
- ScriptTask
- UserTask
- ManualTask
- ExclusiveGateway
- SequenceFlow
- StartEvent
- IntermediateThrowEvent
- EndEvent
Error messages:
Usage of expression in %element% is against best practices.
There is an expression as implementation inside a task, an event or in a sequenceflow (execution listener)
Usage of expression in %element% is against best practices. |
Usage of expression in listeners for %element% is against best practices. |