Java Delegate Checker
The Java Delegate Checker processes BPMN models and checks, whether the following conditions apply to Service Tasks, Send Tasks, Receive Tasks, Script Tasks or Business Rule Tasks:
- Wrong reference to Java Class
- Wrong reference in Bean mapping
- Wrong or no interfaces (Needs to be JavaDelegate, SignallableActivityBehavior, AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior)
- If delegate does not implement one of the interfaces directly it needs to extend the class “AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior”
- Interface ActivityBehaviour should not be used
- No reference to a Java Class or Delegate (Bean)
- No implementation specified
All Elements are also check on their ExecutionListener:
- No implementation specified
- Class not found, although specified as implemented
- Class doesn’t implement the ExecutionListener interface
- The BPMN-models have to be in the classpath at build time
- The java classes (delegates) have to be in the classpath at build time
The rule should be configured as follows:
Via <state>true</state>
the check can be enabled.
Via <state>false</state>
the check can be disabled.
Error messages:
task ‘%taskName%’ with no class name/delegate expression/expression/dmn reference/external topic/code reference
No reference to source code has been deposited. An implementation must be created.
class for task ‘%taskName’ not found
A Java class has been specified that does not exist. Check whether the package-path has changed (e.g. in the context of a refactoring) or the file has been accidentally deleted.
class for task %taskName% does not implement/extends the correct interface/class
A Java class has been specified that doesn’t implement the JavaDelegate or SignallableActivityBehavior interface or extends the AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior class.
The Java class have to be changed, so that it implements/extends the correct interface/class.
Couldn’t find correct beanmapping for delegate expression in task ‘%taskName’
Bean-name coudn’t be found in the beanmapping.xml
No implementation specified |
Class specified as implementation, but not found |
class does not implement/extends the correct interface/class |
Couldn’t find correct beanmapping for delegate expression in task ‘Service Task 1’ |